
Downloads – Click on any of the links below to begin downloading

The Large Catechism

By Dr. Martin Luther

“Everyone’s Luther” edition by Dr. Bryan Wolfmueller
of St. Paul Lutheran Church

The Small Catechism:

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

The explanation of Martin Luther’s Small Catechism

Holy Baptism: An Anthology

By Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller

      “Here you see again how highly and precious we should esteem Baptism, because in it we obtain such an unspeakable treasure.”
-Martin Luther

The Bondage Of The Will

Martin Luther


The Smalcald Articles

Martin Luther

“Hearing the voice of Jesus is the life of the Christian. His voice gives us faith. His voice forgives our sins. His voice sounds with mercy and kindness.”

The Absolution Anthology

Digest Edition

Prefaces to the Books of the Bible

Dr. Martin Luther

“Everyone’s Luther” edition by Dr. Bryan Wolfmueller of St. Paul Lutheran Church

Nunc Dimittis

Hymnal Music Sheet

The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ

 Drawn from All Four Gospels